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Guru Mosquito


Mosquitos suck on blood to survive and continue their next generation, then go to the ground and die; Hens eat grains to survive and continue their next generation, then go to the ground and die; Buffalo eat grass to survive and continue their next generation, then go to the ground and die; Lions eat buffalo to survive and continue their next generation, then go to the ground and die. Human beings eat (whatever we can find) to survive and continue their next generation, then go to the ground and die. Then life goes on, spring comes, rain falls, the sun rises every day as graceful as it can be. Difference?

We - HUMAN (upper case, of course, it has to be, as it has always been). We take pride in ourselves, thinking that we are supreme beings, we can hunt, we can kill, we know how to invent things to make our lives extra comfortable, when the previous discomfort becomes comfortable, we dissatisfy. Then we create more, take more from nature, from others, from war, from battle, we "THINK" we can own things, we control other species, other human beings who disagree with us, we conquered the world, the mosquitos, the hens, the buffalos and the lions... we rule ......

Think again? 

A mosquito needed a little blood from me and flew away living on. Who has remained suffering here? From a tiny itchiness of the bite (or from heart?). 


2 коментари

07.06.2024 г.

Beautiful perspective

07.06.2024 г.
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Thanks for reading.

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